Travel grant

There are limited number of travel garnts. If you are interested to avail this grant, please submit your application form before 05 February 2019. The scientific committee will evaluate each application with full consideartion on basis of country (develeped, less developed), quality of work to be presented, CV of the applicant and amount (in Euros) demanded by the applicant.

Last date to apply for travel grant

Travel grants will be awarded in 3 categories:

Grant A: It covers registartion, air fare and accommodation. For this category of travel grant, the preference will be given to:

  • PhD fellows and early career scientists 
  • Applicants from least developed countries (
  • Participating persons from countries with great political risks, war zones, under economic crisis, or under economic sanctions
  • Participants who will take active part in the conference organization (sharing conference links on different social media, academic and reserach networks websites and participation as scientific team or organizing team from their respective cities or countries)

Grant B: It covers registration fee and local accommodation for successful applicants. The preference will be given to candidates who have good research background (atleast one or two research publication) and currently have no job placement or are unemployed. 

Grant C: It covers registration fee only for successful applicants. There is no preference for this category. It will be decided by evaluation of all received applications for this category.

Important conditions of travel grant:

  • Travel grant application form must be received on or before 05 February 2019 during office hours (18h00 France Time). Late submissions or incomplete applications will not be presented before the evaluation and selection committee.
  • The applicant can ask only for one category of travel grant (A, B or C). Once the application form is submitted, the category of the travel grant can't be changed by the applicant. However the selection committee can propose a new category for travel grant if it thinks that the applicant really needs financial support to participate in the conference.
  • Recommendation of head of the institution, head of the department or research supervisor through his/her signature and official stamp in particular section given in application form is mandatory otherwise the application form will not be considered for evaluation.
  • If the applicant is currently not affiliated with any university, department or resaerch lab, and is working as independent researcher, he/she must provide explainantion on seperate sheet that since how long he/she is un-employed. In this case he/she can attach a recommendation letter from his/her previous reserach supervisor.
  • Only those applications will be considered for evaluation whose Abstract will be accepted by the Scientific Committee (excluding members of organizing committee) before 05 February 2019. So it is important to submit your abstract before the dead line of submission of travel grant application form.












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